We’ll be reading Aristotle’s The Nicomachean Ethics in December for the humanities reading group. I’ve never read any Aristotle. Ted Gioia, whose reading list we’re using, referred to it in his synopsis as ‘dense stuff’, so prepare to be challenged!
I’ll post in Substack Notes as I go, and will also be posting to Fable, a new book tracking app with a particular nod towards book clubs [link]. It’s mobile only (boo!) but seems worth a try to attract some youngsters. One of my favourite channels is using Fable to good effect (Carolyn Marie Reads) so I figured I’d give it a go.
And, of course, we have the Discord for the group too, which is my preferred community platform right now, but Substack is creeping up and might become my favourite.
Buy the Book
I have an affiliate link to buy the Penguin Classics edition I’m reading, translated by Adam Beresford. If you use this link to buy the book I’ll get a small commission. It offers a choice between Amazon, Bookshop.org, Waterstones and Blackwell’s.
What happened to Confucius?
Good question. November’s book was The Analects. Apologies if you were looking for some commentary on that. I just couldn’t get into it and I’m not really sure why. Mood? Time of year? Chinese philosophy not for me? I don’t know. I tried a few times and just didn’t care; the words just weren’t going in. Be filial and respect your elders. That was where I fell off. I know I’m probably doing myself a great disservice, but I’d rather not force myself through something when there are so many other great books. Hopefully this isn’t setting a precedent for the group, but just be aware that in my humanness, I will fall off things that I possibly shouldn’t.
❄️So, come and join me for a festive philosophy read! 🎄
Too bad I missed this! The Ethics is one of the books I plan to read next year; it would’ve been great to read with a group!
Just found you through the comments on Ted's page. I'm also going through the list, trying to stick with the year schedule, and just finished The Analects last night. Lord have mercy. NOT for me but it's done. I absolutely loved The Odyssey, though, and am a little excited to get back to the Greeks. (Writing my thoughts here...https://cheryldrury.substack.com/p/week-four-confucius?r=u3t2r)