Lebezyatnikov, Andrei Semyonovich
Rents a room in the same block as the Marmeladovs
Description: This Andrei Semyonovich was an anaemic, scrofulous little man with weirdly blond mutton-chop whiskers, of which he was inordinately proud. He worked somewhere as a clerk, and apart from anything else, almost always had something wrong with his eyes. He had a rather soft heart, but he always spoke in a very self-assured way, at times even with extreme arrogance - something that very often contrasted rather comically with his general appearance. Yet he was seen as one of Amalia Ivanovna's more respectable lodgers, in the sense that he was never drunk and always paid his rent on time. Despite these virtues, Andrei Semyonovich was really rather stupid. Impelled by a genuine passion, he had attached himself to the cause of progress and to "the younger generation". He was a member of that numerous and varied legion of boors, pasty-faced blockheads and semi-educated petty tyrants who immediately jump on the bandwagon of the most fashionable current idea, only to vulgarize it at once and to make a mockery of every cause they serve, sometimes in the most sincere way.
Cockrell - p344
Part One
Chapter 2
Beats Katerina Ivanovna. He keeps up with all the modern ideas and believes that in the view of science, compassion has no place in contemporary society, and that is the case in England, where they have political economy.
Makes advances on Sonya and, when rejected, joins with Darya Frantsevna and Amalia Lippewechsel to have Sonya ejected from the apartment. Katerina Ivanovna stands up for Sonya, leading to her being beaten by Lebezyatnikov.
Part Five
Chapter 1
Flatmate of Luzhin. We get a description of the relationship between these two characters. A long dialogue ensues, basically outlining the political differences between these two characters, Luzhin on the conservative side and Lebezyatnikov on the liberal side.
Chapter 3
Luzhin accuses Sonya of stealing a one-hundred-rouble note and calls on Lebezyatnikov as witness. It goes wrong and Lebezyatnikov instead calls him out as a liar. Raskolnikov gives his theory as to what Luzhin was up to, which was to discredit Sonya and drive a wedge between Raskolnikov and Dunya so that Luzhin could step in and continue with his wedding plans. Instead he gets thrown out of the apartment.
Chapter 5
He appears at Sonya’s door to report to her about Katerina Ivanovna’s mental breakdown.