Raskolnikova, Avdotya Romanovna (Dunya, Dunechka) - Raskolnikov’s younger sister
Description: A resolute, sensible, patient and generous girl with a passionate heart. She has the heart of an angel.
Avdotya Romanovna was a remarkably attractive young woman – tall, strikingly well proportioned, strong and self-assured, something that was obvious in her every gesture, but which in no way detracted from the natural softness and grace of her movements. Her face resembled that of her brother, but in her case she could be described as genuinely beautiful. Her hair was dark brown, a little lighter than her brother's; her dark eyes shone with pride, but they could also at times contain an expression of extraordinary kindness. Her face was pale, unhealthily so—radiating, as it did, freshness and vigour. She had a rather small mouth, with her full, red lower lip slightly protruding, just like her chin—the only flaw in an otherwise beautiful face, but nonetheless giving it its own particular character, one that could, among other attributes, be described as almost haughty. The expression on her face always tended to be more serious and thoughtful than happy - and yet how natural she looked whenever her face lit up as she smiled, or whenever she broke into youthful, light-hearted, carefree laughter! (Cockrell, p194)
Part One
Chapter 3
She sent Raskolnikov sixty roubles from her advance from the Svidrigailovs.
She is victim to inappropriate advances from Svidrigailov and writes him a letter telling him to back off. His wife, Marfa Petrovna, overhears her husband pleading with Dunya in the garden and jumps to the wrong conclusion that it is Dunya who is at fault. She fires her and blackens her name about town. Svidrigailov repents and shows his wife the letter he received from Dunya, whereupon Marfa Petrovna takes pity on Dunya and clears her name.
Perhaps as a result of this, Dunya receives a marriage proposal from Luzhin, a court councillor and distant relation of Marfa Petrovna’s. She consents to the marriage after a night of praying and pacing.
Part Two
Chapter 7
Arrives at Raskolnikov’s room and surprises him when he arrives with Razumikhin.
Part Three
Chapter 1
Raskolnikov asks her and his mother to leave. Razumikhin accompanies them to their lodgings, secured by Luzhin. The lodgings are substandard and in a dodgy location.
Chapter 2
Receives Razumikhin and talks of the letter from Luzhin instructing her under no circumstances to allow Raskolnikov to be present when Luzhin calls round.
Part Four
Chapter 2
Big meeting with Pulkheria, in the presence of Dunya, Rodion and Razumikhin. They end up kicking Luzhin out, hopefully never to return.
Part Six
Chapter 5
She’s lured back to Svidrigailov’s room. He tells her of Rodion’s crime and confession to Sonya and offers to take Rodion and Dunya to safety in America if she’ll agree to love him. She refuses then attempts to shoot him. After failing twice, he lets her go.